Methane and carbon emissions from livestock: country seeks alternatives
Methane and carbon emissions from livestock: country seeks alternatives Brazil was one of more than 100 countries that signed two documents in which
Methane and carbon emissions from livestock: country seeks alternatives Brazil was one of more than 100 countries that signed two documents in which
ESG: organizações avançam na unificação de parâmetros para comunicar e universalizar as divulgações de resultados, impacto e sustentabilidade O grande
ESG: organizations advance in the unification of parameters to communicate and universalize the disclosure of results, impact and sustainability The g
O pilar “S” de ESG em tempos de crise econômica O advento da pandemia e a crise econômica que se seguiu em maior ou menor grau
The “S” pillar of ESG in times of economic crisis The advent of the pandemic and the economic crisis that followed to a greater or lesser extent
ODS e água: por que investir? Um alerta emitido pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), em junho, dá conta de que cerca de 130 países estão
SDGs and water: why invest? An alert issued by the United Nations (UN) in June reports that around 130 countries are
A ampliação regulatória ganha cada vez mais destaque no espaço de liderança socioambiental No mapa global que acompanha o avanço
Regulatory expansion gains more and more prominence in the socio-environmental leadership space On the global map that tracks progress
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